

The Filterfluid® cream with the miraculous power in 1 (!) beauty tool.
Vegan! Without silicone oils! 


This is the wonderful story of a small black tube, that content will make you look super well-groomed and fresh within a very short time. It smoothens wrinkles, refines the pores, so you look a few years younger, and, and, and, and, and... 

Huge advantage: You don't look like you're wearing a standard make-up! 

And – you will greet every day in a great mood and totally happy. 

How it works? 

With the Filterfluid®️ cream and the Filterfluid® brush from the Filterfluid® set! 

 A simple bag full of wonder!#superpower

Fits to you, you and you!#easygoing #1Nuance

So awesome, that guy!#filterfluidhasnogender

Just cuddle a little bit longer...#twominutes


Would you like to find out more about the Filterfluid®️ cream and our other products? You can find them all here on our website.
Or you can simply send us an email and tell us what you would like to know.

Carsten Proll CEO CBB

Tel. +49 (0)7304 - 3373
[email protected]